‘Give them something to do not something to learn, and if the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking, learning naturally results!’
Our Curriculum
Our Curriculum and the way in which we deliver it, instils a passion for learning in all our pupils and equips them for successful lives beyond their time at Pre School. We consider the prime areas of the EYFS to be a priority and ensure these skills are developed and embedded, laying the foundations for future success.
Simply put, our Curriculum is intended to teach children the essential knowledge they need in all areas and to equip them for success beyond our walls, opening doors to the future wherever that may take them!
Our curriculum is inspired by our Curriculum Bookshelves filled with exciting, high-quality texts. Our bookshelves follow a different theme each half term and allow our children to access a wealth of oportunities.
Spring 1
Wonderful winter…
What is the weather like ?
What should I wear?
Which animals like the cold?
Our Spring bookshelves
Assessment & Monitoring
WellComm is a speech and language toolkit available to early years practitioners working with children from 6 months to 6 years (Early years).
The early identification of any speech and language difficulty or delay is key to the progressive development of a young child’s overall development. It is therefore essential to ensure that all early years practitioners have a good awareness of what represents appropriate development at each stage, and have access to programmes that assist them to support children’s language. The aim of WellComm is to help practitioners identify children who may have speech, language and social communication needs and minimise any identified difficulties through implementing appropriate interventions.
Ongoing assessment
We continuously monitor your Childs progress throughout the year. Through observation and working with your child we get to know them inside out and develop a full picture of everything they are able to achieve. Staff use development matters to inform their assessments, and draw on a large wealth of knowledge about the EYFS curriculum.
Three times a year we will write to you regarding your child’s progress and their next steps for development. However if you ever want to chat to a member of the team about your child’s development please do not hesitate to get in touch.
2 year progress check
What is it? . .
Every child participates in a statutory 2 year progress check between the ages of 2 - 3 years old. This check is to celebrate every child's individual development between the team at Pre-School, you as parents and any additional professionals, if required.
The written report will highlight what Pre-School is currently doing to support your child and it will give you ideas of how you can help your child's development at home.
If we have thoughts regarding a particular area of learning for your child, this will be discussed with you and ideas will be shared of how we will support your child and their next steps.
What happens?
This check looks at the prime areas of learning for your child; communication and language development/ personal, social and emotional development/physical development
After the 2 year check has been completed you will receive a copy via email and be invited in to discuss your child’s learning.
Sometimes support or referral from additional agencies may be part of your child’s next steps. If so, we will support and work closely with you throughout that time.