Upcoming Dates
February half term
Friday 14th February
The children break up for half term on Friday 14th at 3.30 pm. We hope you have a lovely week off.
Mystery reader
Dates TBC
We invite parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles to come in to pre school and be our mystery reader. More information to follow.
Stay and Play
Week beginning 24th February
Come and join us for a stay and play session with your child. More information to follow.
Term Dates
During term time our session times are,
Morning: 9.15 - 12.15
Afternoon: 12.30 - 3.30
Full day: 9.15 - 3.30
Other dates for your diary
Easter disco - Date TBCb
Bank holiday - Monday 25th May
Come and see evening - Thursday 10th July - 4-5.30