Upcoming Dates

  • February half term

    Friday 14th February

    The children break up for half term on Friday 14th at 3.30 pm. We hope you have a lovely week off.

  • Mystery reader

    Dates TBC

    We invite parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles to come in to pre school and be our mystery reader. More information to follow.

  • Stay and Play

    Week beginning 24th February

    Come and join us for a stay and play session with your child. More information to follow.

Term Dates

During term time our session times are,

Morning: 9.15 - 12.15

Afternoon: 12.30 - 3.30

Full day: 9.15 - 3.30

Other dates for your diary

Easter disco - Date TBCb

Bank holiday - Monday 25th May

Come and see evening - Thursday 10th July - 4-5.30