Parent Handbook
We hope that this handbook will be a useful guide to start you off on your journey with us at Pre-School and act as a reference document for the future.
Hopefully it may answer some of the questions you may have including; what to pack, session times and daily routine. However as always please do not hesitate to get in touch should you not be able to find the answer you are looking for.
Parent Partnerships
Developing a relationship with the whole family is really important to us here at preschool. We love to meet Parents, carers, grandparents, siblings and all of the other important people in your family.
We have lots of different ways we can work with you, keep you up to date with Pre-School news, Children’s progress and upcoming events.
Our Parent Reps are really important part of this they play such a valuable role in life here.
They can be there to raise any issues you may have, they can share your worries or concerns, listen to your ideas and opinions and feedback to the Pre-School team for you.
They come up with great fund-raising ideas and are there to organise lots of fun events throughout the year!
How we can help you understand your child’s development.
We are always happy to chat to you about your child’s journey here at Pre-School but the following guidance published by the DfE is a great starting point for understanding 'What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage'.
It will guide you through what you might expect when it comes to your child’s development.
Start Well for your child
Give your child the best start
The first few years are the most important in your child’s life and as a parent or carer you have the biggest influence of all on their development.
Startwell is there to help and support you with your child’s school readiness journey from pre-birth to 5 years, offering the most up to date advice and guidance from Health Visitors, Early Years Workers, Start Well Co-ordinators, and Midwives, who work together in Start Well teams.
Specialist support and early help may also be provided by other services including: the infant parenting service, the parenting team or child therapy services such as speech and language and the Portage team.
Online Safety
“Children in the early years are now more digitally Savvy.than ever before. Their use of digital devices is commonplace with apps like YouTube Kids, becoming a destination of choice for 72% of children aged 3 to 4 according to a recent Ofcom report. Research also shows that children are moving away from watching TV, opting for video-on-demand content on video-sharing platforms to watch cartoons, mini movies and songs.” (Safeguarding and welfare internet safety
As devices become more commonplace, below are some links on how you can use screens safely with your child.